For the first time, Minnesota youth who engage in prostitution are viewed as victims and survivors, not criminals. They will be treated with dignity and respect, and directed to supportive services, shelter and housing that meet their needs and recognize their right to make their own choices.
Sexual exploitation of youth in Minnesota is commonly overlooked, misidentified as something else and undocumented.
Minor Commercial Sexual Exploitation occurs when someone under the age of 24 engages in commercial sexual activity. A commercial sexual activity occurs when anything of value or a promise of anything of value (e.g., money, drugs, food, shelter, rent, or higher status in a gang or group) is given to a person by any means in exchange for any type of sexual activity. A third party may or may not be involved.
The Safe Harbor Law, passed in 2011, includes five key changes – three were effective immediately in 2011 while two additional changes will be effective in 2014. In 2011, Minnesota:
Effective August 1, 2014:
Effective July 1, 2016:
No Wrong Door is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and multi-state agency approach. It ensures communities across Minnesota have the knowledge, skills and resources to effectively identify sexually exploited and at-risk youth. Youth are provided with victim-centered trauma-informed services and safe housing. To learn more about the network being implemented in Minnesota to support victims contact White Earth’s Tribal Safe Harbor Navigator: 218.983.4656
If you or someone you know is being sexual exploited or trafficked, please contact your Tribal Navigator 218.983.4656 or contact the Day One Hotline to learn more about services available in your community at 1-866-223-1111.